Money was falling from the sky: a Czech threw a million dollars among people (VIDEO)

Money was falling from the sky: a Czech threw a million dollars among people (VIDEO)
Money was falling from the sky: a Czech threw a million dollars among people (VIDEO)

Several thousand people in the Czech Republic this Sunday hunted and collected one dollar bills falling from the sky. It was a prize game conceived by a Czech filmmaker and influencer.

Do you still remember the article from May, when we wrote that a Slovenian gave away more than half a million euros at a party? Czech film producer, actor, investor and influencer Kamil Bartošek went even further: he dropped one million US dollars (940,000 euros) from a helicopter over the Czech town of Lysa nad Labem.

The money was initially intended for the winner of a prize game organized by him. In September, Bartošek, better known to the Czech audience by his stage name Kazma, locked a million dollars in one-dollar bills in a container and locked it with a lock that could only be unlocked with a decrypted code from his film, which came to cinemas at the end in August.

Since none of the viewers managed to decipher the code, he decided to divide the money among all the contestants registered in the raffle.

As many as 100,000 people received an email this Sunday at six in the morning telling them where and when the money would be dropped from the helicopter that was transporting the container. To make things more difficult for them, they also had to decipher the code that revealed the location. In the end, around 4,000 of them gathered.

In videos of the event circulating on social media, dozens of revelers can be seen running around the field competing to cram more $1 bills into prepared plastic bags and backpacks. Some of the more imaginative ones even caught it in upside-down open umbrellas.

Each banknote was also equipped with an affixed QR code with a link to an online platform where the winners could donate money to charity.

The event was also attended by police officers, firefighters, doctors and security guards, but there were no interventions, according to the media. According to the Czech portal, the film Onemanshow: The Movie, which was part of the originally conceived prize game, was seen by 290,000 viewers in Czech cinemas, and in Czech cinemas it topped the attendance charts twice over the weekend and became the most successful Czech movie of all time in this category.

The article is in Slovenian

Tags: Money falling sky Czech threw million dollars among people VIDEO
