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(PHOTO) A veritable army of big Hollywood names is coming to Piran to film the new Netflix hit

The locals will have to suffer a little because of the changed traffic regime, but the sight of our coastal pearl in a high-budget production will certainly pay for everything.

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Every now and then, a sounding film name visits Slovenia. This time, a real army of them is coming. Not on vacation, but on the set of a potential new blockbuster movie. JK Simmons, Halle Berry and Mark Wahlberg are appearing in the upcoming film Our Man from Jersey. For the next two weeks, the footage for the Netflix action thriller will also be filmed in Piran, writes Primorske novice, adding that the scale of the project will also bring some temporary logistical measures.

Piran will be transformed into a movie scene between September 19 and October 4, the Municipality of Piran informed the citizens about this already last Thursday. “A top foreign film crew will visit the old city center with the aim of filming challenging stunt shots,” were published on the municipal website and the locals were asked for understanding and help in the implementation of the project. Occasional complete road closures of markets and streets are expected.

Pakt Media production will periodically restrict access to filming locations with 15-minute closures of certain parts of the city. The scenes will be filmed on Prešeren embankment, Ulica svobode, Trubarjeva ulica, Tartinije trg, Pristaniška ulica, Bolniška ulica, Trg 1. Maia with Gregorčičeva, Verdijeva, Trubarjeva and Kosovelova ulica, Vidalijeva ulica with Obzidna ulica (Porta Dolfin), Trg Bratstva with Tomšičeva and Župančičeva streets (Porta Marciana), Cankarjev embankment, Kidričev embankment and Dantejeva street. “The residents of Piran will not be denied access to their residences under any circumstances, only occasionally limited in time,” announced at the municipality.

It is a Netflix action thriller directed by him Julian Farino. It’s the story of Jersey construction worker Mike, who is introduced to the world of spies and secret agents by his high school ex-girlfriend. According to Primorske novic, the Hollywood party is said to number around 1,200 people, which the coastal hoteliers are certainly looking forward to.

The article is in Slovenian


Tags: PHOTO veritable army big Hollywood names coming Piran film Netflix hit